3. The samhainadmin script

In the subdirectory scripts/ of the source directory you will find a Perl script samhainadmin.pl to facilitate some tasks related to the administration of signed configuration and database files (e.g. examine/create/remove signatures). By default, this script is not installed.

bash$ samhainadmin.pl --help
  samhainadmin.pl { -m F | --create-cfgfile }      [options] [in.cfgfile]
    Sign the configuration file. If in.cfgfile is given, sign it
    and install it as configuration file.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m f | --print-cfgfile }     [options] 
    Print the configuration file to stdout. Signatures are removed.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m D | --create-datafile }     [options] [in.datafile]
    Sign the database file. If in.datafile is given, sign it
    and install it as database file.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m d | --print-datafile }    [options] 
    Print the database file to stdout. Signatures are removed. Use
    option --list to list files in database rather than printing the raw file.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m R | --remove-signature }  [options] file1 [file2 ...]
    Remove cleartext signature from input file(s). The file
    is replaced by the non-signed file.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m E | --sign }              [options] file1 [file2 ...]
    Sign file(s) with a cleartext signature. The file
    is replaced by the signed file.

  samhainadmin.pl { -m e | --examine }           [options] file1 [file2 ...]
    Report signature status of file(s).

  samhainadmin.pl { -m G | --generate-keys }     [options] 
    Generate a PGP keypair to use for signing.

  -c cfgfile    --cfgfile cfgfile
    Select an alternate configuration file.

  -d datafile   --datafile datafile
    Select an alternate database file.

  -p passphrase --passphrase passphrase
    Set the passphrase for gpg. By default, gpg will ask.

  -s gnupg_homedir --secretkeyring gnupg_homedir
    Select an alternate gpg homedirectory to locate the secret keyring.
    Will use '/home/rainer/.gnupg/' by default.

  -k keyid      --keyid keyid
   Select the keyid to use for signing.

  -l            --list
    List the files in database rather than printing the raw file.

  -v            --verbose
    Verbose output.